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I'll Holler At You!
Personal Essays

  Author Sherrie Lynn is back with An Author's View on Happiness!, a thoughtful little non-fiction book that explores the happiness of humanity and the struggle of many to achieve happiness. Lynn shares her views on a range of selected subjects, including The importance of goal-setting. The truth about time management and how it can increase happiness. 


Excerpts from Happiness...  

  <Level-headed people are hard to come by, if they start to think you're a gossiping troublemaker with an endless parade of problems and issues, they will limit the amount of time they spend around you. >  

  < Get rid of the game players and don't be one or you're part of a recipe for disaster. >

  < Don't spend too much time on one person's comment exhausting something that is ridiculous or unrelated.

  <Only after you have cleared your mind with unnecessary thoughts can you start solving your problem. >



 An Author's View On Humanity 


Lively and entertaining best describes this candid collection of, viciously positive essays on various issues important to the author, and maybe a few other folks out there. Lynn gives humanity the scolding she feels is long overdue. Observations she felt you all needed to hear.



   -We don't have to be a slave to every sick, indifferent thought that crosses our impressionable mind. Our minds contain the power to deliver us from this modern-day bondage. Let the thick cloud of destructive thinking pass over us unharmed. Eat the bread of knowledge and grow in wisdom and understanding. 

                                                                                      - So Let It Be Written


   -Apparently, we must make social etiquette an integral part of our learning system. We will learn to channel our negative energy into positive results and discover the benefits of turning a disadvantage into an advantage.  Above all stop creating laws that incarcerate, legislation that binds our hands and feet!

                                                                      - Pitbull & The Poodle


   -Today no one should have to ask how society drives itself to the point where theatrics is the only way to get attention, the only way our cry for help can be heard. We'll be dialing up 911 for the next several generations if we don't start listening the right way.

                                                                    - Theatrical Trailer

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Author for over 30 years, S. Lynn create vast landscapes of literary prose. Whether fiction or non-fiction, she develops a narrative to create a compelling, impactful statement with her words. Lynn has two novels, Backstage Pass, The Jade Sheldon Story- Inspired by actual events. A Forward Motion- a coming-of-age interracial romance set in the seventies. The fiction limited series is written like a memoir, 'Inside A Writer's Life.' A non-fiction series; An Author's View on Writing, An Author's View on Happiness, and An Author's View On Book Marketing.  Lynn also writes short fiction stories starting with, A Modern Romance short story collection that includes, 'Shaleah Hart & Eddie Lancing'… 'Tyre & The Twins' and 'A Social Experiment'. The Modern Romance Suspense series include the novellas, 'Every Blue Moon', 'Work Ethic', and 'In Too Deep.'

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Seldom does a book come along that changes us fundamentally, like the novel, Backstage Pass. Jade Sheldon gives us insight into who we are and why we cannot get to the place we want to be. While on her first vacation to Hollywood California, Jade manages to meet the world-famous Universal Madness band and recording artist Reed Dion. / 318 pages.



Set in the seventies, the novel, A Forward Motion is a coming-of-age story about Crystal Alexander and Julian Parker trying to negotiate a course between the straight life of education and church-going and the wild side of drugs, nightclubs, and sex.  Future history will determine if we’re standing still, traveling in circles, or moving in a Forward Motion. / 330 pages

Romance Suspense Series:
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Sakira meets Avery with a mutual instant attraction, but something isn’t right. She begins to wonder if Avery Louis is the man he really says he is. She is convinced a good man come around every blue moon.


Amani dreams of owning her own spa resort and Quinn is looking to invest. Together they challenge each other to make this project happen. Author S. Lynn is known for her edgy but educated ambitious but God-fearing characters. She delivers once again with the novella, ‘Work-Ethic’.


Can two love-struck, international spies escape the clutches of their organization and have the chance to live a normal life? Or are they in too deep? This novella will evoke a range of emotions. 

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Those looking to brand themselves better to generate more sales should grab a copy of An Author's View On Book Marketing today and add more ideas to your already great book marketing plan!



An Author’s View On Writing address the most frequently asked questions on writing. This book is perfect for new writers who have little or no understanding of the writing and book industry. 

Are we good listeners and seeing past a person’s defenses, insecurities, and hurts?  Are we allowing these things to control our own behavior?  An Author’s View On Happiness explores the happiness of humanity and the struggle of many to achieve happiness.


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